Juan Manuel Muñoz ئاپەکان

Libros de Skyrim 1.0
Juan Manuel Muñoz
Esta es una aplicación para mantener una listamanual de los libros que has leído u obtenido dentro deljuego.Contiene más de 350 relatos cortos, poesías, canciones, obras deteatro, etc... relacionadas con el mundo de Nirn, y que se puedenobtener dentro del juego.No se puede sincronizar con el juego: la desarrollé de forma muchomás tosca al principio, y como a mi me ha resultado útil, le helavado la cara para que todo el mundo pueda disfrutarla.La aplicación no requiere permisos de tipo alguno, es totalmentegratuita, y busca hacer un pequeño homenaje al Lore del mundocreado por Bethesda Softworks.This is an application tomaintain a manual list of the books you've read or obtained withinthe game.It contains more than 350 short stories, poems, songs, plays, etc... related to the world of Nirn, and can be obtained within thegame.You can not synchronize game: I developed a much cruder form thebeginning, and as to me it was helpful, I've washed your face sothat everyone can enjoy.The application does not require permits of any kind, it is totallyfree, and seeks to make a small tribute to Lore world created byBethesda Softworks.
Appocrypha 1392
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am sorry but due to economic infeasibility, I amforced to temporarily cancel the App. It has been a nice trip, andI thank you all for the help you have given me. Those of you whohave downloaded the app in the last month are entitled to a refundfrom Google Play (I think). Those who do not, I'm sorry, but as Isaid, the project is only frozen for a while. I recommend you tocome back in a few months and I promise that if I find a job, Iwill raise my servers again. Believe me I regret what happened, butI regret even more not having almost to eat due to the pandemic.Affectionate greetings to all. Appocrypha is a unique Lore Explorerfocused on the epic fantasy world of the franchise The ElderScrolls, a universe with magic, dragons, elves, humans, ... The Appis an incremental work, which contains all Skyrim books, books thatcan be found and read inside the game, but when you're playing youdo not really want to read, since you want to kill things. Sincemany people with whom I had talked about the game told me theywanted to read the books but it's tedious to do it in the game, Iconceived Libros de Skyrim, and then, its radical improvement,which is Appocrypha. This app allows you to read all those storiesat your own pace, in the lost moments queuing at gov's offices, orin the metro, or before bed. Appocrypha is available in English,Spanish, and there is an attempt to add French that is currentlyhalf-baked, and for which I accept help (as well as for any otherpart of the app, as the project needs more hands than mine).Appocrypha is, at the same time, a library, a collectible, a wiki,a small social network, and a labyrinth of knowledge, reason forits name, since Apocrypha is the realm of Hermaeus Mora, DaedricPrince of the hidden history knowledge. And it has lost the BlackGlosses, which treasure the scrolls, hidden behind the namesmentioned at the books. By tapping the names you get coins, andunveil the lore scroll. It's not one of the Elder, but they giveyou access to the knowledge you tapped. There are thousands ofhidden scrolls, and growing each day. They may seem simple links,but they're not, because with them you collect and complete yoursmall personal album / wiki. The app includes: - Book of the day:every day, a new book of The Elder Scrolls is available, withoutspending coins on it. - A library with more than 400 books, andgrowing. - A minigame based on coins, scrolls, and lore categories.The coins are earned tapping on the names in the books to findhidden scrolls, and can not be purchased with real money: it's notcrypto in any manner. They are exclusively useful to add more booksto your library. - When you find parchments, add that knowledge toyour Lore album, a system of categories that allows you to findlocations, regions, worlds, races, species, clans, factions,constellations, objects, characters .... and access their infosheets . - Lore Info Sheets are worlds by themselves: Each itemregistered in the app can include an individualized timeline, whereit is from, what faction, its occupation, it's map, the citieswithin..., and best of all, in the end, all the quotes of thatelement found throughout all your collected books, and links to allof it. - A very precise search engine for any element of Lore. - Aninteractive timeline. - A news system, an exclusive forum, and youcan create an exclusive avatar-shield! Appocrypha is intended forthose who love The Elder Scrolls, or for those who simply like toread Medieval Sagas, or for those who simply want to have a fasthandly wiki when they are playing the game. Who is that Barenziah?Appocrypha tells you, deeply. It's designed to fit to the universeof Tamriel, with reused UI elements, optimized for mobiles andtablets. Download it! I hope you enjoy using it as much as I enjoyimproving it each day :)